Crossbeat reviewed all digital and media metrics to develop a cohesive understanding of past performance. We also conducted stakeholder interviews to understand the context of past decisions related to performance. From there, we organized their internal analytics and data warehouses and introduced 4 additional data sources to help make better, more strategic decisions for digital and brand marketing.
Data audit
Technical strategy
Technical development
By implementing a data management platform with historical data available via API, Crossbeat was able to align Getty’s CMO and CIO teams for the first time in 20 years, resulting in the approval of a $20 million budget increase for non-digital channels focused in the US, UK, and Brazil.
Crossbeat reviewed all digital and media metrics to develop a cohesive understanding of past performance. We also conducted stakeholder interviews to understand the context of past decisions related to performance. From there, we organized their internal analytics and data warehouses and introduced 4 additional data sources to help make better, more strategic decisions for digital and brand marketing.
Data audit
Technical strategy
Technical development
By implementing a data management platform with historical data available via API, Crossbeat was able to align Getty’s CMO and CIO teams for the first time in 20 years, resulting in the approval of a $20 million budget increase for non-digital channels focused in the US, UK, and Brazil.